The key to success in business is Predictability of your expenses, and Self Publishing is no exception. At Harborstone Press we empower the Author with Predictability. You can easily calculate the profit that your business (your book) will produce for each sale, because we’ve made process easy to understand & analyze.
Author Profit (or Royalties) is the difference between the Author Price and the Wholesale Price.
Author Price is a fixed number that you (the Author) pay to have a copy of your book printed. This price is the same regardless of where your book is sold, or whether you buy a copy for yourself or to resell to your own customers. The price itself is based on the number of pages, the format, and size of your book (View our Printing Prices).
Wholesale Price is the amount at which your book is sold at wholesale through our distribution channels. You (the Author) control the Wholesale Price through the Wholesale Discount and Retail Price.
Wholesale Discount is the percentage that You (the Author) set to be subtracted from the Retail Price when your book is purchased at wholesale in our distribution channels.
Retail Price is the suggested price that You (the Author) set for your book to be sold in retail stores (off-or-online).
Book Retail Price: $ 14.95
Wholesale Discount: 40%
Wholesale Price: $ 8.97
Book Format: 6 x 9, Paperback, B/W Interior, Full Color Cover
No. of Pages: 180
Author Price: $ 4.85
$8.97 – $4.85 = $4.12
Author Profit: $ 4.12
You’re in Control of the Retail Price and Wholesale Price (Wholesale Discount) and the Author Price is Predictable (see printing prices)